soder-thon A 1-post collection
By dustin on Under soldering, soder-thon, Hive13

Lorin, our electronics warden, is presenting a solder-thon this weekend! nnThe hive 13 solder-thon will be this Sunday November 22nd, from 1pm-6pm at the Hive 13 hackerspace.nn> Come on down to the rootinest-tootinest solder wranglin' rodeo in the O-H-I-O! Old hands and greenhorns welcome. Bring something you've been meaning to solder, mend, or mangle. Get expert advice from solder slinger Lorin Parker (he'd even teach you about scopes and test gear for a smile). Learn and practice assembly, cable making, through hole soldering, hot air rework, SMD, and hang out with some cheesy movies and light ein wenig Licht Lötmusik. nnn> Free for all members. Non-members welcome with donation to Hive13 (limited seating).nn> -Lorin n