Hive13 A 5-post collection
Made in Camp 2021 Recap
By Konstantinos on Under made in camp, events, Hive13

Greetings Hivemind! It's your favorite Konstantinos here. Roughly two weeks ago we had an event with Wave Pool known as Made in Camp from 2-6 pm where the Hive was alive with tours, making, and merriment. Made in Camp highlights the makers, movers, and shakers of Camp Washington and we are honored to have been included.
We arrived relatively bright and early with some of us popping in at noon to get the ball rolling. Once doors opened, we were all ready for new friends to join us. We had people making, chatting, and getting cardio by running up and down the stairs. It certainly paid off with three new members and dozens of new soldering experts taking their badges to the street.
Please give our three new members a wonderful welcome and we hope to see you again next year!
Oscilloscope and Function Generator Introduction Saturday Sept 18, 2021 at 1:00pm - Hive 13 2701 Spring Grove Ave
By Brad Walsh on Under Classes, electronics, Getting Started, Hive13, oscilloscope

Come learn what an oscilloscope and function generator are and see them in action. We will have a live demo and answer questions on these cool electronic tools.
Here is a link to a brief video we did last year:
Game Night!
By dustin on Under Hive13, game night

Folks, I'm setting up a game night on Friday September 30th, starting at 7PM down at the Hive. nnI'm planning on bringing a game I'm working on that is a board game version of Mario Kart, I'll also bring Ultimate Werewolf, a deception based party game, and a few others. nnFeel free to bring any other games you might want to play as well when you come down.nn-Will B,nLounge Warden
By dustin on Under soldering, soder-thon, Hive13

Lorin, our electronics warden, is presenting a solder-thon this weekend! nnThe hive 13 solder-thon will be this Sunday November 22nd, from 1pm-6pm at the Hive 13 hackerspace.nn> Come on down to the rootinest-tootinest solder wranglin' rodeo in the O-H-I-O! Old hands and greenhorns welcome. Bring something you've been meaning to solder, mend, or mangle. Get expert advice from solder slinger Lorin Parker (he'd even teach you about scopes and test gear for a smile). Learn and practice assembly, cable making, through hole soldering, hot air rework, SMD, and hang out with some cheesy movies and light ein wenig Licht Lötmusik. nnn> Free for all members. Non-members welcome with donation to Hive13 (limited seating).nn> -Lorin n

Hello everyone! Our new sidewalk is (mostly) finished! Just a few notes to consider with the new sidewalk:nn* The curb is a bit higher than our old one, so be careful when stepping up over it.n* The sidewalk was made about a foot wider, so be careful with oncoming traffic.n* During the spring they will plant trees in front of our building, with one smack dab in front of our door. This will make it easier for prospective members to find the space (look for the trees) but hard for people to find the door. nnThat's all I have for now, thanks for reading!