Equus Horse Heads

By zombiecraig on

nSeveral weeks ago Hive13 volunteered to help out a local theater company known as New Edgecliff Theatre.  They were preparing for the Equus play.  They built several horse heads.  A 3-dimensional and 5 2-dimensional ones.  Our task was to make it so the horse head eyes would glow red via a switch.  Fairly simple except we had approximately 24 hours to do it and radio shack only had a few coin battery holders.  We also needed to make our own defuzers for the eyes.  We made the 3D defuzer with extra vending bubbles and we used a $4 air filter for the rest.  Once we ran out of battery coin holders we hacked a paperclip version which worked great 😀nnPaperclip holder frontPaperclip holder sidennHere are some pics of the finished horse headsnn3D Horse head on PaulAll heads litnnThis play has been selling out and has recieved many acculades: [1], [2], [3].  This play is still going on so be sure to catch it!nnFor more info on the project see the wikinnn

Contest: Passcode Challenge

By zombiecraig on Under Contest Passcode Challenge

nWelcome to the 1st ever Hive13 Contest challenge!nnPasscode ChallengeThe mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a unique passcode system.  This can be mechanical, electronical or purely software.  It has to reach some type of “unlock” state or goal.  This can be to play a song, turn on a green light or actually unlock something.nnThe contest deadline is September 29th after the Tuesday meeting.  After the meeting you can demo your locking mechanism.  Let the most creative lock win!nnMore details on the wiki.nnn

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


