Opendoor Hackathon Dec 11th

By zombiecraig on Under hackathon, opendoor

nHive13 is participating in the Opendoor Hackathon on Dec 11th. Sign up for the mailing list (link at the bottom) if you are interested. You can also contact for additional details.nnThe OpenDoor Hackathon is a hackathon to benefit the members of hacker/maker/artist/co-working spaces by creating a standardized, Open Source access and membership management system that can be used by everyone. At the end of the hackathon, the systems (or subsystems) created by each space will be voted upon, and the best system (or combination of systems) will be chosen. Implementing the system afterward is, of course, optional.nnWhy are we doing this? n I know, the word “standardized” sends chills down my spine too, but I assure you that this is a good thing! Deciding upon a common system would enable the following things:nn- The ability to share membership between spacesn- Crowd-sourced security enhancements and feature additionsn- Easier membership managementn- A warm fuzzy feeling of being connected with other spacesnnWhat we’re envisioning (and what many of you already have) is a sort of Reciprocikey or Space Passport system. We believe that the only way to create such an awesome system is to work together on it!nnWhen is the OpenDoor Hackathon? n The OpenDoor Hackathon will begin on Saturday, December 11th at 2pm PST, ending 24 hours later at 2pm PST on Sunday, December 12th.nnHow do I sign up? n You can register your space’s team at the Eventbrite here!nnJoin the conversation at!nnn

Creative Coding Kinect

By slackermann on

nVisit the project pagennThe creative coding movement has existed for several years in the form of programming APIs such as openFrameworks, Processing, and Cinder.  However, since the Xbox Kinect was released last month, there has been an explosion of activity in this arena.nnBecause ZombieCraig recently purchased an Kinect for the space, we have the chance to participate in this revolutionary movement.  Dozens of digital artists are cutting their teeth in the creative coding movement, making a name for themselves in the intersection of art and technology.nnTherefore, this is a call for projects.  The Hive is a wonderful place for coders and artists to collaborate.  We have a chance for coders to express themselves and artists to enter an emerging market.  This is an especially great opportunity for art students, since our student membership fee is only $13.37.nnPlease send all questions to slackermann@hive13.orgnnVisit the project pagennnnInteractive Puppet Prototype with Xbox Kinect from Theo Watson on Vimeo.nnn

Android 101 Development Class

By zombiecraig on Under Android, Classes

nLearn how to program your own custom applications for Android devices.  This class will go through the quick and easy method using Google’s AppInventor then go into details on how to use Eclipse to design more complicated applications.  This class will mainly focus on creating GUIs, Activities, Intents and callbacks as well as AlertBuilder.  We will also discuss how to run your application in an emulator and directly on your device.nnYou will want to have Eclipse installed with the android tools ahead of time.  See (Get the Java or RDP version of Eclipse)  If you are having problems getting this installed then Craig will be there at 6 to help but class will start promptly at 7pm.nnDecember 16th, 7pm at Hive13 HackerspacennClass cost is $20  (Members $10)  Member codes will go out in email.nnLimited Seating. We will accept money at the door if seats are still available.nn**Sign up now: ** nRegister for Android 101 Development (Hive13) in Cincinnati, OH  on Eventbritennn

New Membership Tiers!

By zombiecraig on

nNew Membership TiersAt the Hive we are really excited to announce new membership tiers!  We are now offering $50 a month for FULL membership to new members.  This is the same level of access as our old $100 tier, which gives you a door code, 24/7 access to the space, lockers, discounts on classes and the admiration of your peers!nnWe are having a membership drive to get 15 new members.  This number is important because with 15 new members we can ensure that the overall membership to the space can be lowered to $50/mo for good and still pay our rent!  There is also a little red meter under the subscribe  button on the main page so everybody can follow along on the progress of the drive.nnTo become a full member goto the main page at and click “Subscribe” on the right hand side.nnA little lower down the the sidebar is another new tier called the Elite tier.  This is a donation tier.  If you can’t make it to the Hive but you still want to support us, then this is the tier for you!  Members will also get discounts on upcoming classes at the hive!  If you are a full time student then you can sign up for the Elite tier, fill out the student application (still to come) and you can be a full member as well!nnPlease spread this message around.  We need to make this membership drive a success!nnn

Reverse Engineering Workshop

By slackermann on Under reverse engineering workshop class

nHive 13 member Steve Lackermann will be hosting a **Reverse Engineering **workshop **Wednesday, Nov. 17th at 7:00 PM. **Bring your laptop (Linux or Windows, it doesn’t matter, we’ll provide the software) and participate in this hands-on workshop where you’ll reverse engineer your very first program!  Even if you have no programming or reverse engineering experience, by the end of this workshop you will understand the basics of reverse engineering and be able to begin teaching yourself.  This workshop will be completely free.nnIf you can bring an empty flash drive (at least 2 GB), please do so. Please direct any questions to slackermann@hive13.orgnnFor some idea of what we’ll be doing, here’s a tutorial on YouTube: n<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="390" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"></embed></object>nnn

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


