Hive13 Lock Forensic Logo Contest

By zombiecraig on Under lock forensics, pinning tray

nAt the last Hive13 Lock Forensic Meetup (Aug 11th) we practiced and experimented with different techniques using bump keys as well as built our own custom pinning tray.  We have a LAB pinning mat but we feel that most of the space on that mat is wasted and unnecessary.  So we set out to make a cool plexiglass version that would be portable and get the job done equally as well.  The image on the right is the first pining tray off the laser cutter.  It is two sheets of plexiglass fused together (top and bottom) so the tray can be moved around.  We really liked the way it came out and decided we would give these out at the next Lock Forensic class we host (date to be determined still).  We also thought it would be great to put a logo on he backside of the bottom layer of plexiglass.  Then we realized we don’t have a logo!nnBeing that the Hive13 Lock Forensic group is the first public lock forensic group in the country (maybe the world) we feel it is important that we have a logo.  And for the sake of setting an arbitrary deadline, the contest will end next Friday (Aug 19th).  The rules for the logo are simple.  We are looking for a black and white logo.  One that could easily be a vinyl sticker or etched into plexiglass or other tools.  The entries will be passed around the regular members of the lock forensics group and the winner will get a free pinning tray with their logo on it.nnMeeting info: submission email here: craig at hive13nnn

Teensy Contest

By zombiecraig on Under contest, teensy

n**We are hosting a teensy contest at Hive13!**nnProvide a proposal to what you would build using a Teensy 2.0 development board on this form.  Teensy is a super small AVR board (less than 2 inches!!) It has an ATMEGA32U4 micro-controller and you can use the aduino software to program it.  Each board comes with a detailed printout card for easy look up of pin layouts.nnSix projects will be selected on Friday July 22nd to receive a free Teensy board.  The contestant will then have until August 30th to complete their project and demo it for the group during that Tuesdays meeting.  If you are not an arduino master do not worry, simply submit a basic idea of something you feel you can complete in a month and you may be selected.nnYou do not have to a a Hive13 member to participate but you will have to be at the Tuesday meeting on July 26th to pick up your board if you are selected.  Have fun and happy hacking!nnSubmission form is here (July 22nd is the submission deadline!)nnBoard details are herennn

Bitcoin Local Exchange

By zombiecraig on Under bitcoin

nWe are starting to experiment more with Bitcoin at the space.  Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency system.  The first step for us is to setup a public local bitcoin exchange.  The purpose of a local exchange is to enable people to trade cash for bitcoins.  During the Tuesday meetings you can find somebody who has bitcoins and make an offer.  The idea for a local exchange is you can visible see the existence of the sellers bitcoins and there are no minimum amounts required to purchase/transaction fees.  For an idea of the estimated price per bitcoin check the going rate at Mt. Gox.nnDepending on the popularity of bitcoins, you can expect to trade for services and things at the Hive.nnn

Sumobot Competition Site

By zombiecraig on Under sumobot

nThe sumobot site for the April 16th competition is now up and running.  This is still considered alpha but it stable enough (hopefully) to have contenders start logging in and creating accounts for their hackerspace and sumobots.  Suggestions are welcome and the full source code to the website is available via github.nnPlease keep in mind there are still lots more features planned for the site and a lot of the style-sheet stuff is not done yet.  There is a flickr feed on the main page.  If you are working on anything sumobot releated for this competition please upload your pictures to a flickr account and tag it with “sumo13”.  They will then automatically appear on the home screen of the site.nnSite: tracker:

Sumobot Prizes

By zombiecraig on Under prizes, sumobot

nOur sumobot competition is scheduled for April 16th and the time is getting closer.  If you haven’t bought parts for your bot yet you should definitely stop slacking and get to it!  I would like to announce two prizes for the competition.  One is from parallax and is a complete sumobot kit.  It comes with two sumobots, a ring and a bunch of other great stuff!  Next we have a VIP ticket for Daycon Security Summit on Oct 7th & 8th.nnStay tuned for more updates.  We have a custom website where you will be able to register as a contender, submit your bot and also check the scores of the competition 😀nnFor now, check the wiki for more information:

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


