International Day Against DRM — May 4, 2012
By zombiecraig on Under 2600, drm, ebooks
nOn May 4th Hive13 together with 2600 will take part in International Day Against DRM. On May 4th you are encouraged to spread word about the harms of DRM. On Friday we will discuss how harmful DRM is as well as give demonstrations on how to liberate some of your digital goods from the DRM shackles. We plan to focus primarily on ebooks just to keep the demos reasonably small. If you have any experience with removing certain types of ebook protections please bring any tools or techniques with you for open discussion. At this time we already have some volunteers that will demonstrate the remove of DRM for Adobe’s DRM plus I personally have a collection of scripts for: Mobipocket (.prc/.mobi), Kindle Mobipocket (.azw), Kindle Topaz (.tpz/.azw1), Kindle Print Replica (.azw4), Adobe ePub (.epub), Adobe PDF (.pdf), B&N ePub (.epub), B&N/Fictionwise eReader (.pdb).nnCinci 2600 starts at 7pm on May 4thnnFree and open to the public!nnMore info: Day against DRMnnIf you want to volunteer for demos you can use the mailing list or our g+ page.nnn
New Pinning Tray
By zombiecraig on Under lock forensics, lock picking
nHot off the presses! Er, well, laser cutter! We bring you the new pinning tray. This tray is more portable than before. The other one was small but the square shape often made it hard to fit into some carrying cases with your other tools. This new design by Brian keeps the tray small but adds length to better go with the tools you normally carry.nnAnd that’s not all! With this new design you can use the holes on the side and a lid to secure your pins for further storage. By placing a lid on top and using some small screws you can fasten the lid down and store the pins for later use. This is ideal if you are working on a progressive lock and need a place to store your the extra pins until you work your way up. It can also be used to keep some extra security pins grouped together or potentially for storing the pins from control locks used in lock forensics.nnWe are still testing out the design but once we finalize it we will have some available if anybody wants one.nnn
Transferred DNS Registrar
By zombiecraig on Under DNS, Gandi, NoSOPA
nHello all,nnWe just transferred our Domain Names from GoDaddy to This transfer was done because GoDaddy recently announced support for SOPA. SOPA is a current bill set to pass that would effectively censor the internet. There are many options and even special discounts if you too want to change your registrar. It’s a very easy process and here are some suggestions from reddit. We chose Gandi because of their no-bullshit stance and history for protecting its customers.nnYou can also sign the boycott pledge here: you are a member you should not see any service outage but feel free to contact us if something does not appear to be working.nnUPDATE: GoDaddy just announced they are no longer supporting SOPA 😉nnn
Bring out your Dead!
By zombiecraig on Under ps3, reflow, repair, xbox
nn## Mass Game Console Repair/Reflow eventnnHive13 recently grabbed a PS3 YLOD (Yellow Light of Death) Repair kit from and went to work on 3 broken PS3s. The teardown was a lot of fun and we were greatly excited when we were able to recover all three PlayStations! After some G+ postings we realized the need to do this kind of event for Xbox users and any PlayStation 3 Owners out there that have YLOD. So we will be hosting a FREE event on December 11th from Noon – 3pm. The kits to fix these units are fairly cheap but you may want to consider contributing $5 for supplies. Food is not provided so consider bringing a snack.nnIf you are interesting in attending please fill out this form: you had a console die on you and you have already replaced it. Please consider bringing in the console to fix or just donating it that day. We will take any unwanted repaired game consoles and donate them for kids for Christmas this year. If you just want to drop off a broken system please fill out the form just so we know how many supplies to purchase.nnEvent: Sun Dec 11th 12-3pmnnCost: FREEnnTry to show up as close to Noon as possible. It can take a long time to dissemble and reassemble these units.nnn
Create your own Lock Picks!
By zombiecraig on Under lock forensics, lockpicking
nThe Lock Forensic group at Hive13 is having a class to show you how to create your own high quality metal bogota style pick set. The study of locks and lock picking is fascinating. A bogota style lockpick has a backend that can also work like a tension wrench. We will be making 2 of these style picks in the class. The two stiles will be the half diamond and the hook. If time permits we will have templates to make some more advanced designs (such as the actual bogota). We will also have lots of test and progressive locks to test our your new lock picks on as well as a quick demo on how to picks locks if you haven’t yet.nnProceeds from the class will goto buying equipment for the lock forensics lab. Lock forensics is the science of analyzing a lock to determine if it has been picked, what tools were used and the skill of the attacker. Hive13 holds the only known public group doing this research and welcome anybody to participate on the 2nd Thursday of every month.nnExample of the type of picks you will be creating:nnnnSign up for the class today!nn
nnClass: Thursday November 17th, 6:30-8:30pmnnn