Cincinnati Mini-Maker Faire is this Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 13-14
By jim on
n**FINALIZE YOUR PLANS NOW AS A VOLUNTEER!**nnHive13 wants you to volunteer to help at the region’s biggest Show and Tell. This year’s second annual event expands to two days (11:00am to 6:00pm) and will be held at a most-excellent new venue, the Cincinnati Museum Center (Union Terminal).nnCome early and stay late. Help with setups, staff the Hive13 booth, mentor in our Learn-to-Solder activity, crew the Power Tool Drag Race, and help with tear-downs and pack-outs. Many hands make light work and you can be part of the fun! You might even end up with a nifty souvenir T-shirt.nnCome to this Tuesday’s meeting at 7:30pm at Hive13 to get the details and schedule your sign-up times.nnCLICK ON THIS LINE TO SEE THE LATEST MAP AND SCHEDULE OF MAKER FAIRE ACTIVITIESnnn
FabLab night at the Contemporary Arts Center
By reportingsjr on
nCome join us at the Contemporary Arts Center this Thursday from 6pm to 8pm. Celebrate Cincinnati Design Week by making something cool and experiment with some of the Hive’s rapid prototyping machines such as 3d printers and a desktop cnc router.nnThis event is open to the community and all ages are welcome with parental observation. All participants will be asked to sign a waiver before using any tools.nnFree with admission or membership, donations appreciated.nnn
Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 7:30pm - 3D Printing Past/Present/Future
By jim on
n Join us at HIVE13 this Tuesday, July 8, when member Bill Steele will pontificate on the past, present, and future of 3D printing.nnThe founding members of HIVE13 had an original Bre Pettis “Cupcake” 3D printer five years ago.nnFor those that have been following Bill’s progress in the time since, he successfully launched a KickStarter for his own 3D printer and is now introducing the innovative Polar3D printer. Bill has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this hot market and it will be a most interesting talk, starting at 7:30pm. A brief version of the HIVE13 business meeting will follow Bill’s talk.nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and those interested in learning Bill’s perspective are welcome to come for this talk on Tuesday, July 8, at 7:30pm. (Find Us)nnn
Tomorrow (June 30) DEADLINE to register for the Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire (Sept 13-14)
By jim on
nnnEveryone knows it is fast approaching, and we have not reminded folks enough, but tomorrow (June 30, 2014) is the deadline to apply as a maker to display your creation(s) for the upcoming two-day Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire at Union Terminal (September 13-14, 2014).nnThe website (image shown to the left) is at has an APPLY NOW button to take you to the Exhibitor/Vendor application page.nnYou know you want to finish your project and show it off. Register now!nnn
HIVE13 wins Inventables 50 State 3D Carving Machine Giveaway Contest!
By jim on
nnnIt is official. HIVE13 has won a Shapeoko2 CNC machine kit in the Inventables 50 States 3D Carving Machine Giveaway contest! Yes, it is for real!nnThe gang at Inventables (the hardware store for designers) is igniting the digital manufacturing revolution by launching this outreach program to get open-source CNC milling into (almost) every makerspace in the US. HIVE13 responded and is one of the 50 winners (and the only one in Ohio).nnShapeoko is an Open Hardware project started by Edward Ford in Dixon, IL. The name comes from a combination of the Shapeways and Ponoko laser cutting service names. The initial design (pre-kickstarter) was based around services provided by both companies. On July 26, 2011, 125 backers pledged $11,078 toward Project Shapeoko, far exceeding the funding goal of $1,500.nnThe ShapeOko is a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine which in its default configuration uses a light-duty rotary tool as the spindle. It is a 3-axis machine; able to move the mounted tool up/down, left/right, and forward/backward under computer control with some measure of repeatable precision. The giveaway includes beta access to Inventable’s Easel free cloud based app for design and fabrication, which goes full public later this summer.nnStay tuned for further announcements and visit the HIVE13 wiki ShapeOko project page for further details on the (to be scheduled) upcoming build nights and ongoing related developments.nnn