New Sidewalk

By dustin on Under Hive13, sidewalk

New Sidewalk

Hello everyone! Our new sidewalk is (mostly) finished! Just a few notes to consider with the new sidewalk:nn* The curb is a bit higher than our old one, so be careful when stepping up over it.n* The sidewalk was made about a foot wider, so be careful with oncoming traffic.n* During the spring they will plant trees in front of our building, with one smack dab in front of our door. This will make it easier for prospective members to find the space (look for the trees) but hard for people to find the door. nnThat's all I have for now, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015, 7:30 pm - Minecraft Command Block Programming with Ender quartz

By jim on

Hive13 PTDR Garners Eight Editor's Choice Blue Ribbons at World Maker Faire - New York 2015

By jim on

altThe Hive13 team (consisting of Ian, Ryan, Franklin, Dustin, Katie, Kevin, and Jim) brought our version of Power Tool Drag Racing to the World Maker Faire - New York 2015 and garnered eight prestigious MAKE Magazine Editor's Choice blue ribbons for the effort.nnThis first-time appearance at WMF-NY 2015 was our fourth racing event of the year and it culminated our 2015 season. This season's preceding race events were held at Maker Faires in Detroit, Cincinnati, and Louisville earlier in the summer and fall. New York was a great venue featuring both bleacher and sky-box seating for the overflow crowds that watched a steady stream of general public match races from open to close on both days of beautiful weather. Here's a YouTube link showing a typical race.nnWe've now done eleven events in our three seasons, each one better than the last and no one's gotten hurt. Thanks to one and all that have made it happen. Stay tuned for details on the planned improvements for an even bigger and better season next year. n

New York Maker Faire

By reportingsjr on

nnWe are at the New York Maker Faire this weekend with Power Tool Drag racing. Come visit us and try racing a power tool!

Tuesday Sept. 8, 2015, 7:30 pm – Little Cool Hand Luke and Dad Gregg Dennison preach about e-NABLE to the choir at Hive13!

By jim on

nYou’ve seen them on page one of the Cincinnati Enquirer (8/21/2015 edition), multiple TV shows, and most recently at the Cincinnati Mini-Maker Faire. Join us at the Hive on Tuesday, September 8 at 7:30pm when international viral video media celebrity Little Cool Hand Luke and his Dad Gregg Dennison from nearby Falmouth, KY visit us on a school night to be our featured guest speakers and share their experiences with e-NABLE; a global network of passionate volunteers using 3-D printing to give the world a “Helping Hand”.nnWant to get inspired to take your hobby to the next level and join a global movement that has a REAL impact in this world? You won’t want to miss this talk.nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested are welcome at Hive13 this Tuesday, September 8, at 7:30pm. (Find Us)nnn

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


