Game Night Friday, Jan 27th
By dustin on Under game night

Folks, I'm setting up a game night on Friday January 27th, starting at 7PM down at the Hive. nnI'm planning on bringing a few lighter games and a few more involved games. I'll have something for 3 players and I believe Ultimate Werewolf can have up to 63 players. nnFeel free to bring any other games you might want to play as well when you come down.nn- Will B, Lounge Wardenn
Meet our newest electronic tools - April 1 12:00-2:00
By Brad Walsh on
Brad Walsh will be giving a "hands on" talk to introduce our newest additions to the electronics area; Rigol DS1054Z oscilloscope and a Rigol DG1022 function generator. These new purchases bring us into the modern age. (If the logic analyzer arrives we may even talk about that also).nnEventbrite link:n charge for this talk, but you get what you pay for. This will just be basic oscilloscope operation and we will examine some simple circuits.
How to use the Mill and Lathe
By Tiffany Bell-Horwath on
==Using the MillnnWhen: Saturday October 22, 2016 10am to 12pm. nGet Tickets: Register here!nDescription: Hive member Brad Walsh will be doing an introduction to using the mill. Learn what the mill does and how it can be used. A small ($20) donation is requested to cover the cost of materials, which will go home with you (an endmill and a chunk of aluminum to continue to improve your milling skills).nnnUsing the LathennWhen: Saturday October 22, 2016 1am to 12pm. nRegister Here!nDescription: Hive member Brad Walsh will be doing an introduction to using the metal lathe. Learn what it does and how it can be used. Maybe you can even mill threads on a bolt! A small (10$) donation is requested to cover the cost of materials (aluminum chunk).nnnBoth Events require basic machine safety gear==nn* Substantial shoes (no sandals or open toe). Hot metal chips can hurt.n* Long hair pulled back in a ponytail.n* No hand jewelry (rings, watches).n* Eye protection (safety glasses can be provided).n* Prefer no long sleeves, they can be rolled up though.n* Idea is to not have anything to catch on the spinning tool/part and pull you into the process.
91 megapixel Hive13 panorama from Pi pan-tilt rig
By Chris Hodapp on Under electronics, photography
My project for the past month or two at Hive13 has been a pan-tilt mount for a Raspberry Pi and the ArduCam, with almost everything either laser-cut from plywood or done with off-the-shelf parts. I just put up a few posts on my own blog about it:nn* Pi pan-tilt for huge images, part 1: Introductionn* Pi pan-tilt for huge images, part 2: Hugin & PanoTools integrationnnThis week, I had things working well enough to do a test run inside Hive13, and the result of that was a 91.5 megapixel panorama inside the space. Click below for a zoomable version of the whole thing (or here for a full-resolution JPEG):nnnnSome more panoramas inside the space - perhaps much wider-area ones - should follow soon!nn-hodapp
Game Night!
By dustin on Under Hive13, game night

Folks, I'm setting up a game night on Friday September 30th, starting at 7PM down at the Hive. nnI'm planning on bringing a game I'm working on that is a board game version of Mario Kart, I'll also bring Ultimate Werewolf, a deception based party game, and a few others. nnFeel free to bring any other games you might want to play as well when you come down.nn-Will B,nLounge Warden