The Hive's new VacuForm machine has arrived!

By jim on

altnnThe Hive's very own Carol Merrill (a.k.a. Bill) is showing our new VacuForm machine. It shipped from California in two boxes and it was quickly unboxed and assembled earlier tonight. It is a CentroForm EZForm LV 1827. There are two 1500 watt (3000 watt total) fused 110VAC 15A heaters built into the top. The two power cords should be plugged into separate 15A circuits. The plastic sheet size is 20-14" x 30-1/4" and the forming area is 18" x 27" with 9-11" depth of draw based on mold geometry. Typical forming plastics include styrene and ABS in .020" to .040" and even .090" thicknesses. It came with a formed test sheet example. A starter tool project page has been created on the Wiki [link]. Show up at an upcoming meeting and join the team that will complete the installation and determine the start-up and certification procedures for this new tool.n

Tuesday, June 13, 2016, 7:30 pm - Pumpking Chucking!!!

By jim on

altnnWhere can you turn after four seasons of Power Tool Drag Racing burn out? How about a new take on an old classic and taking Pumpkin Chucking to a new level? A group of Hive members has been considering to ROCK this October's Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire with a new and different version of an old school, large-scale activity. Who wouldn't want to be a trebuchet owner-operator? We have been researching all available YOU-TUBE technology and had even gone one-up by begging THE local experts from our fair city to share their hard earned trade secrets with us. nnYeah, it is way-too-short, last-minute notice, but if you snooze you loose and righteous persistence always pays off. So we are now proud to announce that tonight, Tuesday, June 13, at the 7:30 pm business meeting, Mark Lorenz, from the World Famous Mount Washington Stanbery Park Pumpkin Chuckers will hold a public talk on his team's prior prolific experience in lobbing large vegetables during general public community events.nnBy the way, the above stock image is of the Warwick Castle Siege Engine, a somewhat lesser (but still interesting) effort that can be seen on YouTube at this link.nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome tonight, June 13, at the 7:30pm business meeting. Find Us.

Power Tool Drag Racing (PTDR) setup test May 6 10:00a-3:00p

By Brad Walsh on

**Let's test out the PTDR stuff this Saturday!**nnWe have the first PTDR event Friday May 19th at Building Value (just up the street) from 7:00-11:00pm. nWe should check out all the gear to make sure we don't need to fix or order anything.nWe will need to get the stuff down from the pallet shelving and assemble the mini track to test the electronics/lights/signs.nnMight even run some racers just to make sure everything works. :)n

Mill and Lathe Certification Classes - May 13th

By Brad Walsh on

Using the MillnnWhen: Saturday May 13, 2017 10am to 12pm. nRegister:*Description:* Hive member Brad Walsh will be doing an introduction to using the mill. Learn what the mill does and how it can be used. A small ($10) donation is requested to cover the cost of materials, which will go home with you (an endmill and a chunk of aluminum to continue to improve your milling skills).nnUsing the LathennWhen: Saturday May 13, 2017 1p to 3pm. nRegister:*Description:* Hive member Brad Walsh will be doing an introduction to using the metal lathe. Learn what it does and how it can be used. Maybe you can even mill threads on a bolt! A small ($5) donation is requested to cover the cost of materials (aluminum piece and carbide insert).nnBoth Events require basic machine safety gearnn•Substantial shoes (no sandals or open toe) Hot metal chips can hurt.nn•Long hair pulled back in a ponytail.nn•No hand jewelry (rings, watches).nn•Eye protection (safety glasses can be provided).nn•Prefer no long sleeves, they can be rolled up though.nn•Idea is to not have anything to catch on the spinning tool/part and pull you into the process.n

Arduino Class Canceled

By ry13 on

The class mentioned below has been canceled due to lack of signups. It will be offered again in a few weeks.

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


