We Survived Books by the Banks 2017

By Brad Walsh on

Thanks to Mike, Tim and Nancy for helping with the learn to solder table at the 2017 Books by the Banks event.naltnI think we did over 200 boards! I don't think we made any children cry this time. :)

Vacuum Former is Alive!

By Brad Walsh on

Just in time for Halloween, the vacuum former created its first parts today for member Bill.nnaltnnBill was making a case for an old TI computer. It turned out awesome and Bill showed us some of the tricks for making a good vacuum formed part.n

We survived CinMaker Faire 2017

By Brad Walsh on

Thanks to everyone that helped at the Cincinnati MiniMaker Faire 2017.nWe tossed some basketballs on Saturday and did many Learn to Solder lessons Saturday and Sunday.nnaltnnBecause of the rain on Sunday we did not setup the Trebuchets outside, we setup one to be balanced with a watermelon by the LTS booth. :)nThe teardown was interesting but we were able to disassemble both Trebuchets and fit them (and the LTS stuff) in our minivan. Since it was raining we elected to do the unload on Tuesday before the meeting.nnaltnnThanks again to everyone that helped out! I think it was a good time and we made some kids day a bit more special. (Especially the one that we made cry). ;)

Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire 2017

By Brad Walsh on

altnnHive13 will be part of the upcoming Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire October 7th and 8th at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds.nnhttps://cincinnati.makerfaire.com/nnWe will be demonstrating Will's Trebuchet (currently launching basketballs over 80ft) and a Learn to Solder station to make blinky badges.nIt would be nice to have some touchy projects that we can show off at the LTR booth. Maybe some cool 3D prints.nFeel free to come down and volunteer to man the basketball chucker or the LTS booth (you can get free admission). :)

Class: Intro to the Hive 13 CNC router. Sat. Aug 26, 10AM-4PM

By lparker on

nnThis intro course to the Hive 13 CNC router is open to all.nnSat. Aug 26, 10AM-4 PM at Hive13nnWe will cover CAD, CAM and post-processing as well as info on mills (router bits) and calculating "feeds and speeds" in the AM session.nnAfter a break (bring your lunch or go out on your own),nwe will demonstrate the Hive 1 3 CNC router and each attendee will run a tool path.nnThe fee includes a high quality mill (router bit) and a piece of plywood to take along.nnTo qualify to use the Hive 1 3 CNC we require that you, complete this seminar, then contact a Hive13 CNC machinist and have them observe you running your own (simple) project.nnYou can contact a machinist via the Hive13 mailing list.nnNon members will need to sign a release before taking the course.nnMembers $20nNonmembers $30nnEventbrite URL:nnhttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/cnc-intro-at-hive-13-tickets-36959826837

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


