Laser Cleaning Party - Saturday, July 7th at Noon

By Hive13 CTO on Under laser

New Laser tubes and optics rebuild parts are finally on their way from China. It will still be a few days before they arrive; they may arrive as early as Wednesday next week. nIn preparation, the old mirrors have been removed from the Big Laser. The small laser is easier to disassemble. nnNow it's time to clean the machines to get ready for the rebuild. This activity will definitely speed up the rebuild. nIf you use the Lasers or want to learn more about them, this is a good opportunity to get deep into the machines. nnJoin in on Saturday the 7th as we vacuum out dust and don rubber gloves to scrub the smoke out of the machine interiors. We will probably need 3 to 4 several hours of work to take apart, clean and reassemble the lasers.nnNo experience required. Stay as long as you are able. All efforts are appreciated.

Space Renovation Progress (part 1?)

By Chris Hodapp on

We're currently in the process of probably the biggest renovation in Hive13's space since moving in in 2009, and have made some good progress. The electronics lab and Fab Lab have been moved into the annex, and the old Fab Lab and lounge have been torn up in preparation to merge them into a single room (whose purpose is still to be determined).nnHere are a few photos of the old Fab Lab & lounge:nnnnnnnand of the progress in the annex (still a work-in-progress with the laser cutter and ducting):nnnnnnA lot of work remains to do, but we'll keep updates coming as we progress.

Fab Lab move this Saturday, the 23rd

By Hive13 CTO on

We finally have all of the prerequisites done! The move is finally happening!nnWe could use some help moving all of the equipment. The cabinets and the 3D printer shelves will have to be torn down and set back up, so many hands make light work.nnWe'll start doing the move around noon.

Power Tool Drag Racing at Building Value this Friday May 18th at 7:00pm.

By Brad Walsh on

We will be running the fameous Power Tool Drag Racing (PTDR) at the Building Value (Building Value site) ReUse-apalooza event this Friday May 18th, 2018. nnBuilding Value Cincinnatin4040 Spring Grove AvenuenCincinnati, OH 45223n(513) 475-6783nnThe current plan is to have the Building Value truck come to the Hive around 10:00am Friday and we load up the PTDR stuff into their truck. The setup should take a few hours.nThe actual event is Friday night from 7:00pm to 11:00pm.nWe could use some help running the event, this gives people time to go around and get some food/beer and enjoy the activities.nFeel free to sign up on the Google spreadsheet or just show up and help out.nnGoogle SignupnnWe will tear down the PTDR stuff on Saturday at our leisure. (Probably start around 10:00am).nnCome help out and experience PTDR!

Hive Cleanup/Potluck/Game night Saturday April 14, 2018 starting at 3:00.

By Brad Walsh on

This Saturday we will have another cleanup from around 3:00pm till about 6:00pm.nThen we will have a potluck where people can bring some group friendly food and drinks, after that we hope to have a game night.nFor the cleanup feel free to stop by and help get the Hive in semi-presentable shape. Nothing fancy, just mopping, and organization.nThe potluck doesn't really have a theme, bring something you like.nThe game night can be any fun group game and is rather informal.nnIf you have any questions drop a message on the mailing list.n

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


