Power Tool Drag Racing rolls into 2019
By jim on

Hive13's national award winning Power Tool Drag Race just keeps rolling along. Member JimD will be dusting off the track setup and carting it to Greenville,SC for the inaugural race of the 2019 season. Greenville's makerspace Synergy Mill is collaborating with Hive13 to sponsor the race day at Greenville's STEMfest 2019. The short track setup will be indoors at the Roper Mountain Science Center on Saturday, February 9. The track setup will return to the Hive after this race to await the next event. This year will be our seventh season of racing, and it keeps getting better.
Some will know JimD has dual membership and shares his time between Hive13 and Synergy Mill. Members who may want to help with the before and after in Cincinnati, and anyone who might be interested to also be in Greenville on race day, should contact JimD.
Glass Lampworking coming to the Hive!
By jim on
Member Kevin M. is on FIRE! Well, maybe not literally, but at least figuratively. Back in November on the mailing list, he expressed his BURNING desire to do glass lampwork. Lampworking is a type of glasswork where a torch (or lamp) is the primary source of heat used to melt the glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with tools and hand movements. Also known as flameworking or torchworking, the modern practice no longer uses oil-fueled lamps. Instead, bench mounted oxy/propane torches are used for bead, figurine, marble, and other small work.
Kevin has provided a torch, small annealer, and collection of shaping tools to Hive13 on long-term loan. He has provided a introductory stock of clear and color glass rod (Soft glass, 104 COE) and has sources for additional group bulk orders of glass if others would like to chip in. The full kit of tools is set up at Hive13 and getting tuned-up. He has lit the torch and is preparing demos and certification classes for other members to be able to use the setup. Donations for gas and additional glass stock are welcome.
If you would like to be certified to use the glass tools, post in the mailing list thread to schedule a certification class.
Want to learn a HOT new maker skill during these COLD winter months? Come to the Hive to see this new activity GLOW and GROW.
Quad Racing Presentation and Weekly Meeting on Jan 8th at 7:30pm
By Will B on
nAre you interested in building or racing a drone? Brad Whitmore has been building and racing FPV drones or quadcopters for the past 3 years. He will cover the basics of how to get started and share stories from regional and national competitions. We can discuss the rules and regulations of the hobby. He can also help you get connected with some of the local and regional racing groups and where to buy drone racing components locally and online.
Monthly Lockpicking Meetup - Jan 5th
By Will B on
**Cincinati Locksport Meeting **nSaturday, January 5, 2019n3:00 PM to 5:00 PMnnnnWe'll have lockpicking tutorials as well as general discussion.nAll skill levels are welcome.nBring your own tools and locks if you have them, though I'll also have a few extra picks and tensioners for those who don't have their own.nnAn additional topic may be added as this meetup gets closer. Feel free to ask or recommend one.nnWhile it is not a requirement, RSVPing to the meetup if you are attending does help me plan ahead more easily, so if you can it would be much appreciated.nnhttps://www.meetup.com/Cincy-Locksport/events/256986379/
Wood Working Warden hours 5-7pm
By Will B on
A quick reminder that tonight we have our Woodworking Warden's open hours from 5 - 7nnnnThe Woodshop warden will be in the shop and available to help out with questions on all questions Woodshop related. nnDo you have a question about changing blades on a piece of equipment? Do you want to be shown how to use the Planer before you start your next project? Do you have a project that you are stuck on and want a second opinion? Do you just want to come down talk shop?nnThis is an opportunity to do any or all of those.