Upcoming Class: Making a Wetmolded Leather Mask: September 29, 2018 12-4pm
By Will B on
nnIn preparation for Halloween or any other event that deserves a mask, we will go over the basics of wetmolding to take a flat piece of leather and turn it into a 3 dimensional leather mask. This is an introduction to a technique of shaping leather to create a hardened shape that is used for not only masks, but cases, holsters, bags, hats, and anything else that should maintain its shape.nnWe will have a few basic templates to base your design from and then form it to perfectly fit your face. Then you can go crazy dying, painting, bedazzling, and adorning your mask to suit how feel.nnNo previous experience with leather is needed as we will go over all the cutting and forming.nnThe $10 fee for the class covers everything to make the mask; leather, ribbon, dye or paint. If you want to be extra creative and add rhinestones or a life size pheasant to yours go ahead, but you'll need to supply the rhinestones and/or life size pheasant.nnSign up at the meetup event belownnhttps://www.meetup.com/Hive13/events/254228695/
Woodworking Warden Hours Thursday 5:00 to 7:00
By Will B on
The first woodworking warden hours will be this Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00.nnThe warden hours are open to both members and non-members. The warden hours are for whatever purpose you need them to be for. If you need help planning a project, need to know how to safely use a tool, or just want to come in and work while someone is around to chat, feel free to stop in, and I will be around to help you out.nnThis week I've been asked to help out with planning a coffee/game table project. If that sounds like something you would want to build and need a brainstorming session, feel free to join in.nnI'll also be doing some maintenance, replacing the planer knives and the bandsaw blade. If you want to learn how to use and adjust either of those tools, this is a perfect opportunity!nnSee you Thursday.
Upcoming Class: Making a Wetmolded Leather Mask
By Will B on Under Classes, Leatherwork, Arts

When: Saturday February 18, 2016 12pm to 4pm. nRegistration:nhttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/making-a-wetmolded-leather-mask-tickets-31649710135nnIn preparation for Mardi Gras or any other event that deserves a mask, we will go over the basics of wetmolding to take a flat piece of leather and turn it into a 3 dimensional leather mask. This is an introduction to a technique of shaping leather to create a hardened shape that is used for not only masks, but cases, holsters, bags, and anything else that should maintain its shape.nnNo previous experience with leather is needed as we will go over all the cutting and forming.