Oscilloscope and Function Generator Introduction Saturday Sept 18, 2021 at 1:00pm - Hive 13 2701 Spring Grove Ave
By Brad Walsh on Under Classes, electronics, Getting Started, Hive13, oscilloscope

Come learn what an oscilloscope and function generator are and see them in action. We will have a live demo and answer questions on these cool electronic tools.
Here is a link to a brief video we did last year: https://youtu.be/mPH9uopz9tU
Upcoming Events
By Brad Walsh on
Lots of stuff coming up at Hive13 in the near future.
Needlecraft Night - March 20th, 2020 - 6:00-8:00pm
Maker Expo at NKY Makerspace (Ignite Institute) - Saturday, March 28th 10 am-3 pm
Signup sheet is on the mailing list
Cooking the World: Hungary - March 29th, 2020 - 1:00-4:00pm
Made In Camp 2019 - Sat. Oct 12, 2019 12-4pm
By Brad Walsh on
Come visit Hive13 as a part of Made in Camp 2019

Come visit Hive13 as a member of the Made In Camp tour 2019
See what awesome stuff we do and be a part of making stuff.
Laser Certification July 7th 2:00-4:00
By Brad Walsh on

Get certified on the laser cutter July 7th 2:00-4:00 so you can cut/engrave cool stuff.
Wiki page: https://wiki.hive13.org/view/Big_laser_cutter
Laser principles and safety along with basic operation. We won't go into the not-so-awesome software that drives the laser (that would be a 3 hour class itself) but you will get enough to get started.
Power Tool Drag Racing at Building Value this Friday May 18th at 7:00pm.
By Brad Walsh on
We will be running the fameous Power Tool Drag Racing (PTDR) at the Building Value (Building Value site) ReUse-apalooza event this Friday May 18th, 2018. nnBuilding Value Cincinnatin4040 Spring Grove AvenuenCincinnati, OH 45223n(513) 475-6783nnThe current plan is to have the Building Value truck come to the Hive around 10:00am Friday and we load up the PTDR stuff into their truck. The setup should take a few hours.nThe actual event is Friday night from 7:00pm to 11:00pm.nWe could use some help running the event, this gives people time to go around and get some food/beer and enjoy the activities.nFeel free to sign up on the Google spreadsheet or just show up and help out.nnGoogle SignupnnWe will tear down the PTDR stuff on Saturday at our leisure. (Probably start around 10:00am).nnCome help out and experience PTDR!